
dangers of mold dishwasher, refrigerator

The dangers of mold in your appliances

Mold has a way of sneaking up on you and this means that it can grow in some of the most unexpected places. Depending on where the mold grows...

front-load vs top-load washers

The Different Between Front-Load vs. Top-Load Washing Machine

Your washer is one of the most important appliances in your home. Which is why buying a new one requires careful consideration. One of the first decisions you will...

timeless kitchen appliance maintanence

Create A Timeless Kitchen With These Right Appliance Maintenance Tips

Your kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your home. Not only from a practical standpoint, but also in terms of maintaining or increasing property value. If...


Washer is Leaking? What to Do

Your washer is leaking and you are looking for a fix? We have you covered. A leaking washing machine is a recipe for disaster. If left unchecked, it can...


Top 5 Most Reliable Washing Machines

Washing machines are essentials in every home, especially if you have kids or sports-loving teenagers. Here is a selection of some of the most reliable washing machines on the...


How to Maintain Your Fridge?

The fridge is the undisputed workhorse of the kitchen, helping you to keep large amounts of food fresh and making sure spoilt food doesn’t foul your kitchen. Your refrigerator...

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